The new Star Trek movie, the creation of Lost producer JJ Abrahams.
The plot centres around the Romulan's, as a Starfleet vessel is blown up, even before Kirk's birth.
Release date : 8 May 2009 (UK)
See Trailer Here
Star Trek...Had it Stopped Boldy Going?
I do not think it did. It gave us adventure week after week through many guises.
From the original series, and the legends of Kirk and Spock, through the monumental voyages of Captain Picard's Enterprise D, and on to Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and finally ( so far ) Star Trek - Enterprise. We were entertained no end. However, the stories did seem to get a bit tired, sometimes you found yourself saying, "this is just like that Next gen episode when Picard went ...blah, blah, nerdy blah..." . So maybe a change was needed, maybe a rest was called for?
I am firmly in the camp with the no it should not have been rested. We have seen with the Stargate franchise that you can keep things fresh, a new enemy, a new galaxy! Some talented writers, maybe a new production team and a change of the guard was all Trek needed to become successful again.
I am also firmly of the opinion that Enterprise shows downfall was that it began life firmly in the internet age. A time when any sad nit picking geek could put his two pence in his blog, sad people with nothing better to do than to write pages about Star Trek! *coughs* Anyways... There was so many negative comments aimed at Enterprise, and it felt the whole weight of the modern internet. Voyager and Deep space nine were around during the boom of the big internet bang. However they were established shows by this point. Enterprise was going through that initial period of around 3 seasons where all Trek shows struggle to find their feet. Indeed, season four of Enterprise was sensational in my opinion.
The next generation began to a horrendous reception, So too the very dull early seasons of Deep Space Nine, and many say it was not until Jerry Ryan's ample curves arrived on the Voyager set, that it began getting better, before it was struggling too. However, all managed to make it to their full glorious run of seven seasons, and thank god they did!
Enterprise did not. The negative commenting internet nit pickers and sad pathetic idiots had their say, suddenly it was popular to "hate" Enterprise" . As we all know, it was cancelled following a successful season 4. If it had broadcast on the cable networked "Sci Fi Channel", its viewing figures would have been hailed a success. But, on UPN who wished to switch its demographic to young ladies, its figures did not add up.
The upshot is, we have no Star Trek on TV. So, if you were an Enterprise hating blogging nerd from then, thanks for that! Instead we are forced to look forward to the new movie instead. Which, is fun. Keeping away from spoilers, not so much fun, the temptations are great. I thought giving up smoking was bad!